My Story

 So you can better understand my perspective on life, here's a little bit of my story. I grew up on a farm in the rural Midwest, where I learned the value of hard work, dedication, and determination. I attended a (very) small Christian high school, and then relocated to Virginia for college. Never in my short life had I thought I'd live anywhere but the Midwest (God's plan is better, though). Here, I spend most of my time with athletes, helping them prevent injury and recover from injuries when they happen. I love getting to do this- it provides such a unique opportunity to build relationships, speak into people's lives, and learn about others. 

Moving from the quiet Midwest to the noisy, busy east coast has been a huge difference and a lot of doubts have come with it. Am I good enough to be here? Where do I fit in? Will people understand me? Along with all of those doubts, I have learned so much about independence, trusting God, and standing up for what I believe is right. I've had some conversations where I've been encouraged and some conversations where I've left discouraged, but I know that ultimately what matters is not what others think of me. What matters is that, despite discouragement, I follow Christ, make Him known, and live my life for Him. 


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