Week 3: WOW
If you know me, you know I say 'wow' an excessive amount. But this time, WOW means a whole lot. Three weeks into an internship I didn't think I'd get, and there's so much to be thankful for. Strangers who have become really good friends, supervisors who care about more than just what AT knowledge I have, a discipler who's not afraid to ask questions and encourage me to be vulnerable, and two teams made up of kids from all over the country brought together by this ministry called Athletes in Action.
I'll start from the beginning: I originally didn't get this internship. For those who received a letter, you may have already known this, but I wasn't selected as one of the four AT interns for this summer. However, God had different plans, and after I resigned myself to the fact I'd just work this summer rather than get an internship, I got a call from one of the supervisors saying a position had opened back up and they wanted me to fill it. WOW #1. I'm so thankful that God had planned what He did, because this internship has introduced me to a whole lot of random strangers, which leads me to WOW #2.
I'll start from the beginning: I originally didn't get this internship. For those who received a letter, you may have already known this, but I wasn't selected as one of the four AT interns for this summer. However, God had different plans, and after I resigned myself to the fact I'd just work this summer rather than get an internship, I got a call from one of the supervisors saying a position had opened back up and they wanted me to fill it. WOW #1. I'm so thankful that God had planned what He did, because this internship has introduced me to a whole lot of random strangers, which leads me to WOW #2.
When you put 14 college kids from varying majors and schools together on a summer project, you get some interesting connections and fun friendships. Throw a little sass into the mix and it gets really entertaining. Its comforting to walk into a room of strangers knowing that Christ is your common denominator. When you have that basis to work from, forming friendships is a little bit easier; especially for introverts like me who normally are terrified when faced with a whole bunch of people we've never seen before. I think it's best described by the passage in Ephesians: "Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God's people and also members of his household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit. (2:19-22)" There are these things called "H's" that each of us either have shared or will share this summer. They stand for heritage, hardship, highlight, hero, and hope. Essentially, we tell our story through these five categories. I was worried about sharing mine, because I knew that even though the people around me wouldn't judge, it's hard for me to be vulnerable with large groups of people. I was talking about it with Janell, one of the AT interns (who happens to be from North Dakota- go Bison) while trying to decide what all to share. I mentioned sharing a less-difficult hardship and she reminded me that my "word" at the beginning of the internship was 'vulnerability.' Wow, hard reminder to swallow. However, her accountability pushed me into being completely honest about my H's, and helped me realize that without vulnerability, deep relationships are not as likely. Being vulnerable is a risk, but being vulnerable can also be a blessing.
WOW #3: My supervisors, Lisa and Paul, are willing to teach and explain, but also are willing to talk about things unrelated to athletic training. They honestly care about the whole person, which is what I love about being in athletic training. It gives you the opportunity to help a person physically, but also get to know them beyond just their injury. Our supervisors are always ready to answer questions we have and bring happiness into the office setting, even on days when there's a lot for them to do.
If you have the opportunity to be discipled, take it! Before this summer, I'd never had an intentional discipleship relationship. I am so thankful for Karen, my discipler, who is willing to be honest and ask questions that might be hard to answer. She's also a pianist, which I think is super cool. She's such a blessing and a God-send, because she can speak wisdom and truth into situations and help me look at them in a different way. WOW, am I thankful God placed her in my life!
Last but by no means least are the teams I get to be a part of. A team of interns and staff who make it their priority to be intentional and get to know each other beyond the surface level. People from all different backgrounds with different stories, but all with a common thread: Jesus. Personally, I have found peace in knowing that even through all the sass and sarcasm, these people truly have each other's best interest in mind. Sure, we joke about having a servant's heart toward each other, but I truly have experienced an attitude of Christlike-ness from some of the interns. It's normal for them to see a need and fill it, whether they are comfortable with their position or not. WOW, what an example of a life surrendered to Christ.
The baseball team. Ha. I don't even know how to describe it, beside being so thankful for the mission provided in the context of serving athletes through sports medicine. It is difficult for me to put into words the joy I find in the friendships formed with my preceptors and the athletes I get to help. WOW, what a delight it is to spend time helping people get better and watch them progress.
Thanks for reading this far. I'm so thankful for the interactions I've had with people here and hope you take time to thank God for your WOW moments. Thank you for your prayers throughout this summer- they are not taken for granted. You are a blessing.
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